Custom Logo Design

Custom Logo Design Image WideCustom Logo Design Image

Who you are as a company/organization can mean just as much as your products. Many times people are buying into you/your brand as much as what you are selling. We work to set you and your brand with the right graphic representation of your vision and who you are as a company.

Brand Vision Workshop

Often times explaining what your company is and what you would like it to be is difficult over email. A one-on-one conversation online can help us as designers to find the right feel for your graphics, as well as help you cement brand concepts and visions to aid you to make decisions moving forward.

Custom Logo Design

A Logo has to be something you have confidence in and are proud of. We work to give you something unique to your company that fits with your values and personality. Typically we work with our clients in a four-stage process.

Stage 1: We love to start with a Brand Vision Workshop, but if that is not possible we have a questionnaire to gather background on your company, your marketplace, your vision, as well as other things like competitors and even colors and images you would like to stay far away from.

Stage 2: We will work on some preliminary concepts for you to take a look at. Think of these as ideas drawn on a napkin. just there to help narrow down the path for your final product. Saving time on the design can save you money, so we want to limit the scope of detailed concepts we present. The goal of this step would be to move towards one (or possibly two) directions before moving to the next stage.

Stage 3: Here we will zero in on the direction and give multiple variations with intricate details to choose from.

Stage 4: After finalizing the graphics we will give color variations for you to make your final selection.

Brand Style Guide & Brand Color Palette

We set up a “cheat sheet” for how best to integrate your designs into other media.

Business Card Design

Business Cards can be pretty standard and forgettable. With a well-designed card, your small 3.5 by 2 inch billboard will leave a lasting impression with your contact. Let us help you come up with something original and true to your brand so that the next potential client you meet will have a memorable token of you and what you can do for them.

Social Images (Profile, Cover, and Banner Photos)

Each social media platform requests different sizes. If your Facebook profile uses a banner image from twitter it can look unprofessional or just awkward. Let us help you get the correct sizing for all of your social media platforms so that each potential customer sees you at your best.

Branding & Logo Package

This includes everything we have talked about on this page. Starting with a Brand Vision Workshop, followed by a custom logo design, and then returned with all of the fixings (business card design, brand style guide, and social media images).

Examples of Our Work

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If you would like to talk to us more about a Custom Logo, please take some time to fill out our questionnaire.